
Trigger point therapy– a series of muscular injections which has been proven effective for chronic pain management. Hyperirritable spots in tight bands of muscles, often felt as a knot, trigger points can restrict movement and cause muscle weakness. Causing referred and/or radiating pain, they can also manifest as tension headache, tinnitus, temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ), decreased range of motion in the legs, and low back pain. Trigger points often accompany chronic musculoskeletal disorders and acute soft tissue injuries, but fortunately, trigger point injections have proven useful in their treatment.

  • Eliminates or reduces the trigger points found on physical exam
  • Hydrates the muscles so they loosen up and work better

Joints injections

  • Lubricates the arthritic knee joint so you have restored movement and function
  • Steroid joint injections for pain and inflammation